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Product    Islami Takaful    One Payment Endowment

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For those who wish to take up an ISLAMI TAKAFUL insurance policy but unwilling to disburse a regular payment rather pay the total premium at a time, this is a very useful policy. In this plan, one has to pay the premium only once while accepting the policy for the whole term. After maturity or death within the term of policy, the policy holder will get double of the sum assured.


Features & Eligibility:

Types of Plan: It is Islami one premium payment endowment Islami takaful plan.
Minimum entry age: 18 years
Maximum entry age: 54 years
Minimum sum assured: Tk. 10,000/=
Maximum sum assured:Based on socio-economic condition
Minimum maturity age: 26 years
Maximum maturity age: 62 years
Policy terms: 8, 10, 12 & 15 years
Mode of payment: Only once while taking the policy.
Income tax: Income tax relief permissible.
Premium Calculation:Premium rate chart(per thousand) given in the brochure.
Tabaru fund: 5% of the paid amount will be added in the P.S.A (Tabaru) fund.


On survival: Double or more/ less of the Takaful sum assured amount is payable.
On death:The nominee is payable twice the Takaful sum assured (more/less ) amount.
For funeral/ burial : On death of policy holder 20% of the claimed amount is payable on the confirmation with death certificate within three (3) working days. This cannot exceed than Tk.50,000/= .
It will be deducted from the claimed amount.

Supplementary Insurance Brochure

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